The calm after the storm….

My plan worked out fabulously, although the ring on my thighs took a while to disapear.The whole ‘stay in the bathroom’  was about two hours….see perfect for a movie and about four litres of fluid, good grief , you have to drink a lot. The actual colonoscopy was a breeze. Dr B was super sweet as always and the new endoscopy center is very modern and spacious. The staff were all very upbeat and friendly and the very best part of all….my result. CLEAN. No bumps, no polyps, nothing out of the ordinary. And, in case you care, I had lost not one but two pounds when I got on the scale this morning..Ha! However, I am sure to have put at least a pound back on at the Bakery Nouveau in west Seattle on the way home and if you have never been there it is worth the trip. My only slip up came after the procedure was over on. I needed the bathroom desperately, twice while still in the hospital, and you know there is one on every corner…..unfortunatly I didn’t make it in time and again on the ferry (still in the car) on the way home. They fill your colon up with something and air and that something just had to come out. Oh well I had on black stretchy pants so I hope nobody noticed. Just for your amusement and my humiliation here is the photo Peter insisted on taking last night.

Time for another colonoscopy

Oh boy it’s that time again. I am not going to be one of those friends who harp on like a broken record, but please, if you are over 50 and have not done so yet, go and get a colonoscopy. If I had done mine when my GP told me to and not two years later when I wanted to, my cancer might only have been a little polyp and it would have been a simple snip (or whatever) “Off with his head” done and dusted, come back in ten years. So, today I am doing my MOVIPREP………For the un initiated, this is the name of the yucky stuff you are given to drink to clean your…ehm, I think we all know what it does! But, what bright spark came up with this name? To me this sounds like a party box for the movies and should come with a large popcorn and soda at the very least, would a bag of twizzlers be too much to ask? I do have a little secret to share about how to get through this ordeal in the easiest way possible, and that is to do a clear liquid diet for two days and instead of just the one. That way you only have to drink the prep once. However, right at this moment I could happily eat a horse so I’m trying to focus on the extra pound I’m sure to have lost when it’s all over.

Here is my dilemma. I have very little muscle control when it comes to diarrhea, in fact I’m not sure I have any. What am I going to do when the urge hits? and it hits you hard I can tell you from experience.I am going to stay in the bathroom, that’s what I’m going to do. I have a small table that Peter got down from the loft this morning and I am going to set up my lap top in front of the toilet and watch a movie untill the fireworks are over…BRILLIANT!